Saturday, October 9, 2010

MARKTIME! AND 1-2. I Hate Horror Movies!! LAZINESS FTW! Woot, What A Title (SARCASM!) :P

Dear Diary,
Hullo <3  I've been too lazy to write and/or was doing home school stuff and/or was watching movies xD  ZOMG.  Lols.  We have a bar like one block from our house o_o  and it's 11:20 at night on a Saturday.  I hear drunk people. :P
almost like THISTHIS? xD
Lols.  That made me laugh :3

So...Today my sister wanted me to go see a scary movie with her called My Soul To Take 

 but I'm like.. horrified of all scary movies :c  So I didn't go :D

I wasted my entire day being in a lame parade for my part-time school's band :3  It sucked o_o  About 90 degrees.  11:30 AM through 5:00 PM.  Hungry, tired, hot.  Ugly uniform.  Tucked in shirt. :c  I went on a freakin 2-hour bus ride just to carry a banner.  (My instrument section has too delicate of a reed to march with)  So not worth it. >-<  LOL!  xD
We marched for about 10 minutes, then sat on a hot bus with all the windows closed and no air conditioning for 1 hour and 30 minutes.  Wow what a fun day :D  (I don't know who recognized sarcasm, but I thought I'd just point out that this, is indeed sarcasm.)

I'm not going to be able to sleep if these drunk people continue to be this noisy X_X

(30 minutes later)  They've stopped..FOR NOW!!!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Dear Diary,
my entries will not always be as long as yesterday's, because I'm busy :P  and I don't get enough sleep.. >_>
Anyways, this is such an addicting game I've been playing xD 

It's actually an online pictionary game called Isketch :3  If you have some free time (or not) you should go and play it HERE HERE HERE!  You don't even have to register :D  Just click "Play now" type in a desired username and pass where it says username/pass (DUH! Lols!) and freakin PLAY!  The song at the beginning is so freakin addicting. >-<  I think I cheat when I play the game :c  I use a Genius Tablet xD  it really helps <3

 So last week, I went to my friend's wedding in BERA!!! SinfulPhobia I think? o_o  (I met him one day before the wedding/named him PINKY :D )  So yeah.  GRATZ PINKY!!!  I love to be invited to weddings in Bera ;) <3  So even if you don't know me, SEND ME AN INVITE AS YOUR FIRST GUEST :D

 I'm working on training my main pet, RumCherry, in case there is a war for TFR~~~ (The Faerie's Ruin)  LOLS.  Yah I still play neopets :P  Only once a day, though, since Viacom killed it from how amazing it was a couple years ago >->  I hate Viacom.  Yeah, I've played neopets since I was about nine years old :3  Different account now, but, woot whatevaaa. :3  Dun worry, Neopets isn't the main focus of my life :D
-neopets commercial comes on-

-blush blush- >->

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm BRILLIANT! Lucky Numbers, Those boys are rude!! Alarm Clock Troubles, My Macaroni SUCKS, HANNAH MONTANA FOREVER!

Dear Diary,
I have been having problems with my concentration recently.  For example, I'm doing this

 Instead of being

Your lucky number is 32345543423225. Watch for it everywhere.
 This picture is just so adorable xD  I love nonverbal communication :) 
Oh o_o -ahem- ...instead of being

I was talking to my mom earlier and she kept bothering me about how "Spanish should be easy, since I'm so brilliant", but technically I never said I was brilliant, I just said I was smarter than all the other children :P  

It's just, some things are too difficult, and some things are too easy.  Isn't there a middle? :c

Green is too easy, red is too difficult.  Where is my White Gummy Bear? :o
 Last night, I set my alarm for 6:00 am, so I would be able to wake up and wash my hair in the morning,

 but several months ago, I had some trouble with a couple of my strange sleeping habits.  What I would do, apparently in my sleep or half asleep so I would not remember anything, was set my alarm for 7:00 am the night before school.  I woke up at 5:20 am (I do not know why :P ) and looked at my clock.  The alarm had been shut off!!  I was quite confuzzled,

 but I reset the alarm and went back to sleep.  My mother ended up waking me up for school at 8:00, when I had to be happily sitting in my desk by 8:10.  Thank goodness we live(d) three blocks away! :D  The next day I decided to wrap some socks around my alarm clock after setting the alarm, and I put some "traps" (a.k.a. books, pencils, and bubble wrap) on my floor.  Once again, I woke up at 8:00 for school.  Apparently, I was getting up from my bed, walking across the room to my dresser, and shutting off the alarm, BEFORE it went off!  My, My, I'm strange.  Anyways, I'm having that same problem, only without the walking since I switched bedrooms, so the clock is within arm's reach. x_x  Yay.

Wish me luck tonight with my clock troubles!!  I think I'll try setting my phone alarm, iPod alarm, and regular clock.  We'll see if that works! :)

Today after Orchestra (which is on Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of regular Symphonic Band) I walked towards the shelves where I would put my music folder back into its slot. 

As I walked towards the shelves, multiple people almost pushed me down, trying to get past me.  I stood almost directly in front of the shelves, with one person in front of me.  As I reached to put my folder in my slot, a boy, who was pushing through mobs of people and yelling "EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME", ran towards the slots and ran in front of me to put his folder away.  Almost knocking me over, he backed away, having accomplished his mission of putting his folder away "efficiently."

No, that's not me.  LOLS! xD
 Wow, it's a good thing I don't hold grudges :P  I'd be glaring him down the rest of the year. xD  So, if one guy wasn't enough... >->  I reached forward again to put my folder into my slot, but, once again, another boy yelling "EXCUSE MEEEE" ran in front of me, pushing me over, putting his folder into his slot, and walking away.  Seriously.  They make the boys from my gradeschool look like complete angels >__<
Uhm..No, not those kind of angels. xD  Those are the Blue Angels, by the way :D  They are these blue jets that put on pretty air shows :3  I actually saw them before.  I remember we didn't bring sunscreen, hats, or anything.  We were pretty damaged...

I've been watching Hannah Montana forever recently xD
Okay, I know what you're thinking.... "WHY WOULD YOU WATCH HANNAH MONTANA?!"

Actually, the show itself isn't that bad, 

It's just her :P
Actually, even though I don't like her...and I mean..REALLY REALLY don't like her xD...I actually laugh when I watch this show :3  If they managed to make it funny enough that I LAUGH o:  then it's definitely tolerable. :3  It's funny, has some cute guys, and is super dramatic xD

  For lunch, I decided to make my Aunt Mary and I some Macaroni! :P  I'm a professional Macaroni maker, so.....:3  I went to the cabinet to get a box of the delicious Kraft Macaroni :)  I was expecting us only to have the regular boxes, 

NO we didn't eat the family size :P  I just couldn't find a regular picture xD
 since that's what my mom usually buys, but instead I found 


I was so happy :P

To the people who say Spiral Macaroni tastes the same as Regular Macaroni and is just a different shape, 

 I do not and shall never believe you '-'

Monday, October 4, 2010

-Gasp- Where did Garfield go? o_o

Dear Diary, I think Jon Arbuckle from "Garfield" has finally lost it.

:P  Actually, Garfield is purposefully removed from the comic, 

 to show how Jon is a little....

"Garfield Minus Garfield is a site dedicated to removing Garfield from the Garfield comic strips in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb"

If you have some time to kill, check out this awesome website called Garfield minus Garfield Here!

Omok is FUN! :D

Dear Diary,
I found this picture from about a month ago of Gabo and I spelling my name with MapleStory Omok* pieces <3

*Omok - is an abstract board game and is also called Five in a Row, or Pente.  Omok is actually the nickname for the full name of the game, Gomoku. It is traditionally played with go pieces (black and white stones) on a go board (19x19 intersections); however, because once placed, pieces are not moved or removed from the board, gomoku may also be played as a Paper and Pencil game. This game is known in several countries under different names.
Black plays first, and players alternate in placing a stone of their color on an empty intersection. The winner is the first player to get an unbroken row of five stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

About Dear Diary

Dear Diary (D.D.) is basically a branch of my anger venting :|
I've tried to keep a diary for years, but someone always ends up reading it (yes, you know who you are)   :P
So, why not just "publish it in the newspaper" ? >->
Well, I actually decided that my life is much more interesting than some people's lives, o_o and this is the result.

Note: A lot of this will just be MapleStory related (:  The first MapleStory blog?  Lols.  I think so :D